This was another amazing birthday beer from Jeff and Virginia. I don’t really know where to start with this one as there was so much going on.
I was intrigued to find a wine style cork in the top and for the first time I had to use a wine bottle opener to unleash the malty goodness from within. It poured out thick and dark with little to no head or bubbles. This made me nervous that it might have spoiled due to poor handling or storage but after the first sip I was reassured that it was handled with care.
It was rather bitter and had a sharp, dark chocolate flavor. The mouth feel was almost like that of a red wine or port and I definitely got the sense that there was a high alcohol content.
With that in mind, A Le Coq is NOT a consumption beer. I would recommend sipping at it or saving it as a night cap.
I get the sense that this is a volatile beer and if improperly stored could easily disappoint. Overall, I was stoked with what I drank and was lucky enough to get a 2003 vintage in good condition. Keep in mind that a younger or poorly stored vintage could lead to an undesirable experience.
Thanks J&V, you’ve led me down the path to greatness once again.